AnasPharma (Pharmacy Software)

AnasPharma (Pharmacy Software) help to achieve the object of goals of your business by taking right time, right decision. Because Pharmacy Management is made from current demand of pharmacy business.

AnasPharma (Pharmacy Software) pro advanced feature are available during sale like cash discount, percentage discount on sale or individual discount on items and print your invoice.
Price: Tk25,000

Advance level reporting system are available which make your business smarter. Sale reports on profit, due, employee sale performance and customers & vendors reports are available.

Send thanks SMS to customer. Daily sale reports SMS to shop owner, which make your more active.

ANASPHARMA (Phamarcy Software) Features:

1. Product/Manufacture Panel
 o Product Entry/Modify
 o Add product type/generic
 o Category Entry/Modify
 o Sub-Category Entry/Modify
 o Add Manufacturer and Modify

2. Invoice/ Billing Panel
 o Easily & fast Invoice Creating
 o Add product to existing invoice
 o Delete Wrong invoice
 o Discount on product or on invoice
 o Retails and Wholesale sale facilities
 o Return Products & tracking

3. Sales Monitoring and Reporting
 o Daily Sale Reports
 o Sale Due Reports
 o Profit Reports on Sale
 o Employee sale performance
 o Max sale product list
 o Min sale product list

4. Inventory and Stock Management
 o Available product stock
 o Minimum stock alert
 o Total Sold of product

5. Purchase Panel
 o Create purchasing bill
 o Search/Details Bill
 o Modify purchasing bill
 o Return purchasing products
 o Purchasing Report on Manufactures/Products/Date
6. User Management

Software installation & hosting is totally free for each software, and ensure your data security.

We design and develop software ourselves. So according to the customer's needs, we make the software according to their needs. That's why in the future we can support the customer very easily.

Mobile: +88 01912095925 (whatsapp)


  • Service Fee : 1000৳/ monthly
  • User: 10 Users
  • Software: Web-Application
  • Free Installation & Hosting
For Demo's User ID & Password
Mobile: +88 01912095925 (whatsapp)
AnasPharma (Pharmacy Software)